Thursday, May 31, 2007

This is crazy crazy crazy...

So this week.... where should I begin? I guess it all started Friday.

We get a call from my nephew's mother that she is being gracious and letting us have visitation after only 6 months. So at the drop of a hat, we pack our bags and race the 272 miles to meet her, only for her to arrive THREE AND A HALF HOURS LATE. Mind you it has been a very long time to this 2 year old since he last saw us. So he is very upset because his mother is leaving him with people he doesn't know (remember) because it has been so long since she has allowed us visitation. Finally after about 20 minutes, he settles down to play with his toys; yet it isn't before 1am before he falls asleep. So the weekend goes on like this, in stages from happy 2 year old to screaming for mommy because he doesn't get his way.... oh the problems with separated dis functional family...

Monday (Memorial Day) - Kaystin is back home with mom and we are heading back home only to hit torrential flood waters and blinding buckets of rain. My brother calls to say he will take another route in hopes for better weather and traffic but his story is too sad to tell...( he lives and is free but that is for another blog -- and leather chaise). After a few hours in the car, philosophical conversation turns to bitter reality and harsh acceptance turns to "raindrops falling from my eye-eye, falling from my eyes"...(psst, it's a song)... then an hour or so of no talking till we get home only to hear my brothers unfortunate turn of events... (enter therapist now)

Tuesday is looking better. It is new day with the sun peeking out now and then. I decide to check out a new church (see, here I was thinking it was Wednesday...don't ask). So I get to the church and I am sitting in the parking lot for 20 minutes or so and wondering where everybody is...don't they know what today is.... (chuckles). So I call my very good friend and christian sister Nicole to chat as I wait. She answers and we visit for a second, then the question...
"What day is it?"
Nicole: "Tuesday"
"What? I was sure it was Wednesday.."
So I tell her the story of how I am waiting and was I the only one who knew what day it was.....etc....
(followed by hysterical laughing)

I told her about the weekend and how I was bummed out on the drive back. She shared this with me..."God inhabits the Praise of His People!" Those words healed me and restored my joy. Thank you Nicole!

Life goes on, kasarasara (song too).
This too shall pass. GLORY BE!

PS. thank you to those who pray for me, for family, for friends! Amen and Hallelujah


gilSilvers said...

SRV "Well, it's flooding down in Texas. All of the telephone lines are down."

Unknown said...

Oh JO-dee DEah . . .YOU've been TAGGED! :) Cheerio! :)