Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Healthier Life (Products we use)

The food we consume, the lotions we apply, our 'health & beauty' products (like deodorant) are all absorbed into our bodies.  Have we ever thought about what is in those products and how they affect us?  Since I have started moving towards a healthier way of living for my family, I now consider these things and wonder "What is in them?"

The other day for lunch, I made a Suddenly Pasta salad kit.  As I am mixing it all together, I begin to wonder, "How fresh are these ingredients?  How are these noodles made?  What all is in this?"  And I don't mean just the ingredients list on the box but the process it goes through. 

When you start to look at how much preservatives go into processed foods, it is no wonder we gain weight and have health problems.  I don't want my kids to have that life!  I want to feed them healthy natural food.  I want them to appreciate good home grown flavor; not synthetic, hydrogenated, hormone-filled foods (YIKES!). 

I watched a documentary and it talked about how Adam was put here to rule over and guard all of creation.  I think that was man's First Purpose.  I want to fulfill that Purpose.  I want to grow trees and gardens.  I want to heal and protect the earth, the forests, the animals, the environment.  And in doing so, hopefully heal mankind.  (Wouldn't that be truly wonderful!)

But first, I must start with me.  I am moving towards getting rid of the pharmaceuticals and preservatives and growing good foods with my family.  I am looking for natural remedies instead of pills. 

It will be a journey, but one worth taking. 

Compost, beautiful compost

My husband loves to garden.  I mean really garden.  He has peas, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, all of it, the works!  I tinker with trees, bushes, roses, ivy, rosemary (the easy or pretty stuff).  But I love to compost.  I compost everything I can: egg shells, coffee grounds, sawdust, sand and the like and I check on it almost everyday.  It gives me such fulfilment to see 'waste' become nutrient rich soil that goes back into the garden to feed our beautiful veggies (and flowers).  Maybe that is another reason we work so well together; the yin and yang, the composter and gardener.