Tuesday, May 15, 2007

National Choc. Chip Day

Happy Nat. Choc. Chip Day to all!!!! I hope every one has a healthy piece of chocolate today to celebrate this treasured holiday!!! Hahahaha

Well, to venture to another subject, if I may. I have been doing a little light reading. (This is actually a joke because I am in the middle of not one, or two, or three books but FOUR Books.) I am almost finished with The Purpose Driven Life, I am almost half way through Blue Like Jazz, I am stuck in The Untold Story, and I am starting Pagan Christianity (which is going to be the gist of this blog).
So a few months ago I saw the documentary Mountain of Fire: The Discovery of the Real Mount Sinai. A very good movie and very interesting (I highly recommend this one). It tracks the exodus from Egypt (retracing the steps), the parting to the Red Sea, and the location of the real Mt Sinai.
Last night we were watching the History Channel and saw a documentary discussing Christ marriage to Mary Magdalene and their baby Sara. I think they were more proving/disproving the claims in Dan Brown's book, the Da Vinci Code. For the record, this is a fictional book and to be perfectly honest, some of the historical data that supported the claims in the books are really historical but not based in fact.

My view is this: Marriage is not a sin, children from marriage are not sin, so what does it change if my Savior was married and had a child? It doesn't change anything for me. He is still my Savior and His height, weight, nationality, color, or marital status will never change that for me. "that which we call rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So [Romeo] would, were he not [Romeo] called, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title." Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
So back to the Pagan Christianity book. I have just started it but Angi got me turned on to it. She and I have had a few conversations about some of its dialog and its purpose. So (from my understanding) its purpose is to explain what was happening in the world religiously and politically in that era and how it has transformed into the different religious factions and practices we now have today.
All this said, with the documentaries, books, and discussions I have had over the last 6 months or so, I have become enlightend. I would not say that is has changed my faith but made my faith grow stronger. I have heard the arguments and weighed them on the scales as to why I believe or why I disbelieve. This has given me insight to my relationship with God.

.....I could go on and on with my take on this but I think it is best for each person to read the books and watch the DVDs and form their own opinion on the matter. See, like faith, each person has their own ideas based on the relationship they have with God.
( Just don't be confined to live in a box and limit your faith)

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