Friday, February 23, 2007

First time out

Today is my first blog!!! Yippee. I have a voice.

(clearing throat)....mee mee (more clearing) mee

Hello World! It's me! " I am ready for my close up..." (chuckles)

I have greatly enjoyed my fellowship with Angi and Sunshyne and wanted a way to still continue that when I move back to the Lone Star State. [insert British accent here] And by jove, I had to get on this cite!

Until we meet again.....parting is such sweet sorrow

signing off,


1 comment:

gilSilvers said...

Speaking of "mee mee mee" voice calisthenics, have you ever seen the Andy Griffith Show episode (reruns for you, dear young'un -- I was there watching B&W TV in the 60s, ahem) where Barney preps his squeaky pipes with a nasal "meeeE theyYY meeeE theyYY meeeE theyYY?" I think the episode is called Barney and the Choir, and it is among the best of the Mayberry best.