Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What's all the hype?

So it is Halloween...

Maybe I have just got old but when I was a kid it was about dressing up and getting candy. I don't remember it to be demonic... but it seems like more things are these days.

The last time I went to rent a movie, it was 80% horror flicks from murder, demonic possession to outright gore.

What happened to the scary movies that were more humor...? More so, what happened to comedy?

These are the classics. These are the ones that stand the test of time! (pictures from Young Frankenstein)

These movies you can watch without having nightmares for a month, needing to sleep with the light on, developing a new phobia or needing psychiatric help after watching.

So with that little tirade, enjoy your holiday!
Stay safe and don't eat too much candy.
....and ....
....if your blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where fashion sits; Puttin' on the Ritz.

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