Saturday, January 21, 2012

God vs the Volcano

There are two sides to a coin, two plates on a scale, two ways to look at it:

On ONE Hand, one can prepare to believe in God. That there is a Heaven and a Hell. That those that believe in Him and follow His Will will go to Heaven and those that turn from Him will go to Hell. ~ On this hand, if you believe but are wrong, then nothing happens. If you believe and are right, you will be in Heaven.

On the OTHER Hand, you can think that it is all superstitious hokum created by the oppressed to make it through their menial existence. Or perhaps by an authoritarian to control the pagan masses from rioting, IE. if you are good and subservient, you will be rewarded but if you rebel, you will face the consequences. Or whatever reason you come up with not to believe. ~ On this hand, if you are right then nothing happens. BUT if you are WRONG, you will be in a very nasty place.

So it seems you lose nothing by believing but take a big gamble by not believing.

In the same way you can look at preparing for 2012.

On ONE hand, you can prepare to believe that something is going to happen and have supplies on hand. ~ On this hand, if you are wrong, you will just have a surplus of camping supplies. If you are right, then you have prepared to take care of your family the best you can.

On the OTHER hand, you can think it is bunk thought up by fanatics believing the sky is falling, drink to much special kool-aide and watched one to many shows about UFO's. ~ If you are right, then nothing happens. But if you are wrong, then you will not be prepared to provide for your family.

So on ONE Hand you have God.

You believed and prepared for Him.

On the OTHER Hand,

You did not believe.

You may not be prepared.

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