Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Ciaos that is [currently] My Life

Ball of Confusion (that's what the world is today) [by the Temptations] comes to mind today.
I have a knot in the pit of my stomach that is growing and make me sick.
Stress - the physical pressure, pull, or other force exerted on one thing by another; strain.
Stress is a term that refers to the sum of the physical, mental, and emotional strains or tensions on a person. Feelings of stress in humans result from interactions between persons and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their well-being. The element of perception indicates that human stress responses reflect differences in personality as well as differences in physical strength or health.
[Deep Breath]
My laundry list that effects my current state of mind: (should you care to read on...)
I am on the outs with my Mom with all the stuff happening with my brother, I feel unimportant.
I moved to San Antonio for a new start and a great job and all I think I have gotten is an ulcer.
I have bills and rent and no income and to make matters worse, both roommates are moving out (one of which because of me - he can't deal with a female roommate), so no pressure Jodi but you need to get your butt in gear.
I want a relationship soooo bad!!!!! I looked to the wrong person to have something stable to keep me from feeling dizzy in the midst of my ciaos and now I feel like I have lost my self worth entirely. It's like I see it. I know it was there but I am just watching it drift away and I am helpless to get it back... [sigh]

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