Saturday, November 10, 2007

I just don't get it...!!

So it would appear that there was all this HYPE about getting my number to an old high school crush. Apparently he had asked to get in touch with me. It has been over a month since this chap asked for my number and I still have not heard from him. Punk!!!

I mean, I understand that guys have a different time table than girls (or whatever) but why would someone ask for a number, and then NOT Call???? That makes no sense. I just don't get it.

[The story: About a month ago, Brooke calls and says she doesn't know the whole story but so-n-so called so-n-so called her to say that {D} wants to get in touch with me. I ask why but said "Fine." She was supposed to get more details. She wasn't able to apparently. Needless to say, she never saw {D} but gave it to so-n-so (a week later), who gave it to {D} a week after that. So {D} has had at the very least 2 weeks to call.

BUT I am NOT waiting all day by the phone! OH NO! I am way to busy for that!!!

I am a girl on the go! I've got places to go and things to do.

I am on the move!!! There is no keeping me down.

( que music )
"Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride

Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no

I got to keep on movin'

Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride

I'm running and I won't touch ground Oh-no,

I got to keep on movin'"


Unknown said...

Girl! If it took Marlboro Man FOUR MONTHS to call Pioneer Woman . . .and if thier steamy saga is worth ANYTHING . . .your month wait could turn into a pretty little saga of its' own . . .

suppose? hmmmmmm? :)

Unknown said...

hmm. you *might* need to weigh in on this.

Chris Beason said...

Guys are so afraid of rejection...although, his first clue could have been that you gave your phone number to him. Anyways, he'll probably come around. It might just take him sometime to actually dial the number. I bet he's picked up the phone a million times. Although, God may have someone else in mind for you and then you'll be glad he never made that phone call.

gilSilvers said...

Top 10 reasons guys don't call:

10. Dog ate your number.

9. Jotted your number down during a beer commercial - transposed numbers.

8. Jotted your number down during football game - illegible.

7. Jotted your number down on a napkin at McDonalds - left it on the table with his tray.

6. Your number is in the front pocket of his jeans in the pile of dirty clothes - to be exhumed sometime mid-2008.

5. Your number in his jeans pocket will be washed and turned into lint sometime mid-2008, by his mother or sister or aunt or maid - anyone but him.

4. Engine oil light came on, had to wipe dipstick with something...

3. No pen, scribbled your number on his dusty tailgate, then it rained.

2. Jotted your number on the back of a court summons - will retrieve it in 3 to 5 years with good behavior.

1. Gave your number to his probation officer as a character witness reference.


Okay I made these up in realtime. I'm not being cynical, really. If the guy doesn't call, it's his loss. :)


PS Sorry I haven't called. I do miss you!

Unknown said...

someone from lampasas? anyone I know?