Friday, August 31, 2007

Riptide got me...

[Pardon the analogy]

So there I am, sitting blissfully on my surf board and chatting up with the new surfer, both seemingly admiring the view when *BAM!* I'm sucked into a riptide. "Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water" you get blindsided.

Talk about feeling like a loser! Your flirting and laughing and having a great time, all the while you can't help but think to yourself, "He thinks I am clever and funny and cute". That's when it happens, you fall off your board and all that's left is some hands and feet flailing about (yeah, real graceful!).

Well, I am a strong woman and I know how to recover. I am a pro at dusting off my scraped knees. My final message to surf board boy:

"Isn’t it funny how two people can have the same experience and get completely different things from it? I had a great time talking to you and I am really going to miss your emails. I had other “get to know you” questions but I didn’t want you to feel too bombarded so I held back for a little while (looks like too long, hahaha). I am sorry I couldn’t email you last night but I was having internet problems. I can’t help but feel like I said something wrong (perhaps I should have sent naked photos… Do you think it would have helped?). I of course wish you the absolute best of luck. I hope you keep reading my blog and comment now and then. It will be a true delight to hear from you again. Please take care"

Hey look at that, the surfs up again. I guess it is time to go back out and get my feet wet!

Gods Blessings to you all.


gilSilvers said...

Ok. I'm ammending my previous post where I quoted Tom Petty for you:

I'm learning to surf, around the clouds...


Unknown said...

. . .and from the way *I* heard the story told, the entire BEACH was filled with those surfer dudes, just waiting to catch the next wave . . .and secretly hoping you were on it! :)

Hop in, the water's fine! :)

Sunshyne said...

I'm sorry, hon, though I admit to having a bit of a chuckle at your post. I'm sure there's plenty of "dudes" on the beach. in the sea?

Continue to keep the journey light. You'll get to your destination eventually, and you may as well have a little fun along the way, right?