Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dating evolved?

Some recent frustrations I have experienced with Internet on-line dating:
1. People who do not post pictures....!!!!
A. Pictures of groups or more than one girl/guy (Which one are you supposed to be?)
B. Pictures that are more than 2 years old
C. Pictures without a visible face
D. Not even people (i.e. pet, cross, cartoon, graphic... the list goes on)

2. Improper Grammar!!!
A. Misspelled words
B. No Capitalization
C. No punctuation
D. Obvious disregard for proofing all together (words they have grouped and make absolutely no sense)

3. Sites that talk about their 21 points of interest and matching you with people of similar interest ...
But then you put in your Must Haves/Can't Stands; these are the matches they give (distance, children, etc)

So what happened to Courting? How did people meet before? How has dating evolved???
Sounds like a good topic for my next blog. I think this calls for a little research. I could take a poll and this would be a good way to meet some folks... ya know, (cockney accent:)"two birds and a stone and all that"
So my journey for answers begins....

What do you think? I value my readers insight....send me your thoughts.

1 comment:

Sunshyne said...

Online dating works! You just have to look in the right places :) I don't necessarily know what those places are anymore, but I never used those dating sites. I always played games or found local chat type things or... well, just never was really looking. I had a few good dates before finding the RIGHT and PERFECT one, though, so I know it works!